Should I sell my used emergency vehicle to a dealer?
A common question we are often discussing with sellers is should we sell our truck to a dealer or just advertise it ourselves?
Question: Our new truck dealer wants to give us a trade in number included in our new truck purchase agreement. Is this a good idea?
Answer: Maybe yes, maybe no – it all depends on your new truck dealer. You could be getting an honest trade in offer but you could also be getting a lousy one. So lousy that you might actually be paying the new truck dealer to take your trade. Be very careful when including a trade in on a new truck deal. Do your homework, after all it is your community’s vehicle and the community should benefit from the sale.
Question: Should we contact a used fire truck dealer on our own to buy our used emergency vehicle?
Answer: Yes – make the deal on your own with a used emergency vehicle dealer that has a good track record within the industry. One way to make that happen is to use the EMVTrader’s “Get A Cash Offer” option. After registering as a user, simply tell us about your truck and upload some recent photos. This can all be done on your phone, tablet or a computer. Your truck will be sent out to a list of reputable buyers we have on file.
Question: Should we advertise our used ambulance or used fire truck for sale on our own?
Answer: Yes – this option is without a doubt going to put the money in your community’s pocket. There are a lot of options out there to advertise your used emergency vehicle for sale. Brokers are a very popular choice but come with a sometimes steep price to do so. Social media is becoming popular lately but is very hit or miss. Our platform, EMVTrader offers you fee based advertising designed to maximize your profit from the sale.