There are some things that money can't buy!
Money can buy you the maintenance labor and mechanical parts but can never buy you the piece of mind in knowing that your fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle is properly serviced and maintained.
Preventative maintenance is like a money back guarantee. Not only does it keep your crew safe while enroute to the next emergency, but it just about guarantees that you are going to actually get where you are going. Aside from the obvious safety reasons, why should you bother to perform preventative maintenance on your fire truck or ambulance? Why would it be important to document your service and repair work that has been performed?
Well…that’s easy. It’s this little thing called re-sale. Documented chassis PM’s, fire pump service, aerial maintenance and third party testing is a big deal for buyers in the used fire truck and used ambulance market.
Unfortunately for us, this industry is lacking something like Carfax® that is heavily used in the used automobile industry. The only golden nugget you have is your maintenance documentation, that is if you have been performing regular maintenance and documenting the services.
If you are not performing recommended regular maintenance – START NOW
If you are not compiling your maintenance documentation – START NOW
There are many qualified fire apparatus and ambulance maintenance and repair facilities throughout the country. Take advantage of their knowledge and offered services. It will guarantee you a smooth re-sale experience!