Four door enclosed HME Ferrara Rescue Pumper with seating for 7 with 4 SCBA seats. Powered by a Cummins and Allison automatic transmission. Waterous 1500 GPM Pump with 1000 gallon water tank. The truck is equipped with two 1.75" front bumper discharges and two 1.75″ crosslays above the pump panel. The drivers side pump panel has one 6″ and 2.5″ intake along with two 2.5″ discharges and the officers side pump panel has one 6″ intake along with 2.5″ and LDH discharge. The rear of the truck is equipped with one 2.5″ discharge. The truck is equipped with NFPA warning light and siren package. Current pump certification and some equipment included with the sale of the truck.