Sealed Bids until March 30, 2023Minimum bid $12,500.00
2006 Ford Diesel Truck/S-DUTYXL F350 SRW
6.0 Power stroke diesel, Automatic Transmission
Emergency Lights and Console Included, No Equipment
w/Western MVP 8 ½ Foot V-Plow
6 ½ foot Omaha Utility Body
45,000 +/- miles Vehicle sold as is with Steel rims
Sealed Bids until March 30, 2023
Minimum bid $12,500.00
Mail Bids to:Southeastern Adams Volunteer Emergency Services (SAVES)ATTN: Service Truck Bid5865 Hanover RdHanover, PA 17331
Any questions contact Rick Riser 717-688-3640
SAVES has the right to accept or reject any or all bids.